Nijhum dip of Bangladeh

Nijhum dwip is situated at Hatia upazila of Noakhali district in Bangladesh.It lies in the southern area of Bangladesh.The old name of Nijhum dwip was char-osman.Then the parliament member Amirul Islam Kalam changed it as Nijhum dwip.Nijhum dwip is made up with 4 char.These are Bollar char,Char Osman,Kamlar Char and Char muri. The area of Nijhum dwip is almost 14000 acres.In 1950, Nijhum dwip island was aroused from the sea.Before 1970's, there was no man on Nijhum dwip.The forest department of Bangladesh started their work in Nijhum dwip in 1970's.They experimentally brought up 4 pairs of deer.Now many say that there are 50000's over deer in Nijhun dwip. There are two things those made Nijhum dwip very beautiful are mangrove forest and deer. How to go there: Everyday two launches,name's are panama and tipu 5, go to Hatia from Dhaka sadarghat at 6:30 pm.Besides,launch go to Hatia from Chittagong sadarghat too.There are two small launch port in Nijhumdwip.Those...